Asalaamu Alaikam,
Muslim Mom's Cafe (MMC) has been up to its usual bag of tricks again, with yours truly as the target. Someone decide that it would be a nice thing if they contacted the "Admin" and tell her that I was sending them harassing private messages. This is simply preposterous as I don't private message people, let alone harass them! Whoever told the lie knows who they are. They will have to face up to what they have done, and that's all I will say about that.
The MMC decided to add a "rule" to their list of dubious rules (which she decides to enforce and ignore randomly) which prohibits anyone from "defaming MMC." Um, excuse me, but I think MMC does a pretty good job of its own defaming MMC. The fact that the place is running rampant with extremists who want to shove their doctrines down everyone's throat does a pretty good job of defaming the place. It doesn't take long to see that the forum lacks any real creditability.
When MMC confronted me about my blog posts that were revealing the truth about MMC (and warning innocent mainstream moderately minded Muslims why they should stay away), I refused to be censored, and boldly stated that I will not be censored. I believe in the freedom of speech for all (yeah, even those whack-job Wahabbis deserve to have their say, but they should respect that in having their right, they should in turn give the same right to others, which is why I have an issue with them. Wahabbis believe in censoring everyone but themselves). I do not live in a repressive regime, or a country where only one "brand" of Islam will be tolerated. I live in America, and I love the fact that by living here, I have certain rights. My internet is not censored, with websites that do not go in line with the government being blocked. I can look at anything I want, and say anything that I want.
I will not be silenced by MMC or anyone else. I was a victim of that forum, and I have the right to tell people about my experience. I also have the right to let them know that the same experience on MMC can be felt in any Wahabbi masjid across the world. Just dare to stand up and tell them that you do not agree with their extreme views of Islam. Dare to give "another" perspective on the issue. Dare to challenge their so-called "scholars" (some of which were never educated in Islamic jurisprudence and history).
There are a few very good moderate sisters on MMC who are trying to stick with it and change the tide. Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen any time soon, and eventually they may find that they are also banned. My advice to them: never give up on what you believe to be the truth. If you believe that Islam is a religion of peace and beauty, and that Allah is truly merciful and gracious, then stand up for what you believe. Don't ever let the oppressive bullies make you doubt your beliefs. You are on the right path, sisters, and they are not. Sure they will cause you emotional harm, and call you names, and try to belittle you in front of your friends. But think about the alternative. If you follow them, or you fail to stand up against them and allow them to mislead others, the pain will be much worse. Theirs is the way of misguidance and confusion.
They are lashing out at me because they are afraid that I will turn people away from them. They only have power if they hold people's attention, and get people to do the things that they do. They will lie to you about all aspects of being a Muslim. They will tell you "this is bidah," or "that is bidah," when they themselves are practicing wholesale bidah (the fact that they have introduced certain things to salat is a bidah, but they present it as a "sunnah").
I will talk more about this later, inshAllah. I will give links to sites from mainstream accepted scholars and students of Islam which dispel the Wahabbi bidah. I will also start listing those "scholars" and authors that Wahabbis like to use and quote, so to serve as a warning to all. They will tell you to buy this book by that author, in an attempt to get you to learn their views on a given subject. They will only quote from that book or that author, and you should be aware of this. An alarm should go off in your head any time you hear these names of "scholars."
May Allah protect us from the innovators, and keep us on the right path of Islam, the path of reason, and the path of love and compassion for our fellow Muslims and mankind. Ameen.
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