Asalaamu Alaikam,
As some of you already know, my hubby and I are living in a small town in the middle of nowhere in Mississippi. Mississippi can be quite "homogenous" when it comes to "culture." Although ethnically speaking, whites are not the only ones here, they pretty much call the shots, so you really only get a feeling of being surrounded by white people. White Baptist Christian people. In pick-up trucks. Loud pick-up trucks. Drinking beer all weekend long. And shouting at each other when they are no more than a foot apart.
So, up until now, there have been two "Muslim households" in this town: My hubby was one of them (he lived here for 2 yrs before we met and married), and the other was that of his friend and his wife and their children. His friend is also a doctor, and was working on his requirements to get his Green Card, which he received around the beginning of this year. His wife went to school to be a doctor as well, but had not done her training (she got sidetracked by a little thing called "getting married and having two kids"). Now that her husband is "free to move about the country," she will start her training. They will be leaving on the 29th of this month (May).
Alhamdulilah, I am happy for her, because she got with a hospital in Chicago (they use a matching system, and applicants interview at hospitals that are interested in them, and then once all the interviews are done, they "match" to a hospital. It's very different from the way us "normal people" apply for jobs!). They've never lived in Chicago (her husband trained in Manhattan, which is how he knows my husband), but I think they are really going to enjoy it, inshAllah. Chicago has a large, diverse, and active Muslim community, mashAllah, and I enjoyed the time I spent in the Chicago area.
So, as of the 29th of May, my hubby and I will officially be the "only Muslim household" in this podunk town. Yippee! I am sooooo excited! Can't you tell?? :P
The Bible banging gets to be a bit much here, as well. For all the "religiosity" here, I still don't see people adhering to their faith very much. I think that's why the whole act of "Bible banging" gets at me so much. It seems to be for nothing more than show. Oh, that and to condemn anyone who happens to not be Christian.
Oh, and for the record: rednecks make me very nervous. I feel very uneasy around them. After all, the KKK is made up predominantly of rednecks. This place is crawling in rednecks, and I am pretty sure there are some "closet klansmen" hiding out.
I just had to vent a bit......... :D
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