Asalaamu Alaikam,
I would like to bring a website to everyone's attention. If you are a Muslim woman with children and have been looking for a "place of your own" to discuss Islam and family issues, DO NOT be fooled into thinking that is that place. I was fooled into thinking it was, and when I discovered that it was not, I was also fooled into thinking that I could do something to try to make it a better place. Today I found out how very wrong I was. I just got banned from the site. is being overrun by Salafis. It's not enough that they have their own websites, they must infiltrate other sites as well. Now that I have said that, and in light of what just happened to me, I am suspicious that the forum Admin may be Salafi herself. She claims that the site is to be an open forum for ALL MUSLIMS, but that is clearly NOT the case.
I believe in respect and tolerance for ALL SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT in Islam. I also believe in respect for OTHER RELIGIONS. The Salafi/Wahabbi movements do not believe in this, and feel that anyone who is NOT a Salafi or Wahabbi is to be judged. They also believe that they have the right to judge (never mind the fact that Islam clearly teaches us that only Allah Alone has the right to judge anyone). If you challenge this, you will feel first hand the IGNORANCE and HATRED that is synonymous with the Salafi school of thought.
So, I warn you, do not be fooled into thinking that is a safe and friendly place for Muslims. You will only find it to be "friendly" if you yourself adhere to the convoluted and misguided teachings of the Salafis.
It's Salafi, not Sufi, that is being promoted.
Salafi scholars (such as "Albaani) are being used as the "exact" and "final" word on most debates. When someone tries to quote from reputable Sunni scholars and imams, they are quickly discredited by the Salafis on the forum. The Salafis have even gone as far as to question the education of the Sunni scholars.
It should be noted that Albaani received NO education in hadith sciences, and was single handedly responsible for throwing out many sahih hadith. The Salafis on the forum give no one the right or abaility to question Albaani, and will start with their rhetoric that it is unfathomable to question him, or any other Salafi "scholar."
Again, this is NOT Sufism. This is Salafiism.
This, dear sisters in Islam, is exactly the Salafi rhetoric/bullying that I'm talking about. These people have a problem with anyone who dares to challenge thief convoluted misguided views of Islam & will do all that they can to defame those people.
This person has just now accused me of throwing temper tantrums. This is a view that only the Salafis on MMC will share. The rational minded moderate Sunni sisters from the forum will support me when I say that I did nothing more than fight for the weak & oppressed.
I will leave this hate-filled post up or a bit as it proves my point perfectfully. Then I will put it where it belongs (the trash) because rudeness & intolerance have no place on my blog!!
Wasalaamz, ladies
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Gosh.. I wish that I cared...
You have such venom toward Salafis. Do you know what the word "Salafi" even means? It means that one follows and practices Islam the way the early righteous generations did. What's so bad about that? The Prophet, peace be upon him, mentioned that the best generation were his companions and the ones succeeding them, and the ones succeeding them, and so on. So wouldn't it be logical to follow the approach and understandings of whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) described as the "best of generations"? Just because it's something you're not used to or even what you're not comfortable with doesn't mean you have to go and hate on it. Islam isn't about what you like or feel...rather, it's about submitting your will/desire/inclinations/etc. to that of Allah alone and follow the way of the Prophet, peace be upon him...whether you like it or not, whether you understand it or not. That is the essence of fact, that's the real meaning of the word "Islam".
My "venom towards Salafis" stems mainly from the fact that Salafis think that they are "better" than everyone else because they supposidly "emulate" the life of the companions of the Prophet and the two generations that followed (the Salaf).
In actual fact, they do nothing of the sort. I have come to find out that there are hardly any "Salafis" in the world today; most are "Wahhabis" trying to re-package themselves into a "friendlier" image, claiming to be Salafi.
The Salafi movement came up separately from the Wahhabi movement, and was not as intolerant as the Wahhabis. They did not hate all things Western, nor did they condemn all non-Muslims and those who had different views of Islam. The early Salafis even studied the works of mainstream jurists, and used those works to make their decisions. Jurisprudence had a place in early Salafi Islam. So did rational thinking, to a degree,
The Wahhabi movement, on the other hand, was filled with hatred from the very beginning. There is blood on the hands of Wahhabis; Wahhabi Islam spread across the Arabian peninsula by slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent Muslims who did not agree with their doctrine. Wahhabis murdered Muslims. It didn't matter to them if they were Sunni or Shia, all they had to do was not agree to convert to their new brand of Islam.
Sometime in the 1970's Wahhabism and Salafism blended together, and the original "spiril" of Salafism was lost completely to Wahhabism. Fueled by the Saudi government, Wahhabis had the ability to spread their venomous version of Islam to the world. Masjids, schools, organizations, etc, were built throughout the world, all in an attempt to spread Wahhabism.
A "Salafi" living in the West nowadays is most likely nothing more than a "Wahhabi." Their intolerant rhetoric, and love for uneducated "scholars" (Muhammad Ibn Abd ul Wahhab didn't even finish his Islamic training!), is nothing more than an authentic representation of Wahhabi thought.
I have nothing against someone actually trying to live the life of our Beloved Prophet (saws) and his companions. I have everything against someone taking the traditions of our Prophet (saws) and twisting them to serve their perverse hate-filled purpose. I cannot stand people who think that they have the right to judge others and condemn them.
The only reason why Wahhabis do not kill those of us who disagree with them today is because they cannot get away with it in today's world. Instead, they must satisfy themselves with insulting and bullying their opponents.
Yeah, I guess you could say that this is something that I am "not used to." I used to people respecting each other. And I also believe that Islam teaches us to do so. If modern-day "Salafis" do not feel the same way, I have a major problem with that.
Oh nice, I just noticed that "Muslimah" has removed her posts. Maybe we'll get lucky, and all the Wahhabis will remove their posts after some time.
Really, for all you Wahhabis out there: You have in a choke hold. Be happy with that. You can mislead people on there. You can censor the moderates on there, so why can't the moderates censor you here? Oh wait, we can!
This is not a place for the spreading of Wahhabi rhetoric. It will not be tolerated. Your posts will only be allowed up as a means to illustrate what I am talking about.
Once they get the idea that this is NOT a place for them, I am sure that they will move on.
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