Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wikipedia and their disputed Salafi article

Asalaamu Alaikam,

Well, I just Googled "Who are the Salafis" and I came across a horrible article in Wikipedia, which claims that the Salafis are "more pious" than other Muslims. Alhamdulilah, the good news is that the article is being disputed, and requests have been made for it to be merged with the article on Wahabbiism.

Since the article is disputed, you are free to leave your comments on the discussion page. I just left the following:

Salafis are NOT Sunni Muslims
The fact that they have thrown out and rejected so many SAHIH (sound) hadiths (narratives and traditions of our beloved Prophet Muhammad saws) is what keeps them from being Sunni. A very simple definition of Sunni means "one who follows the Sunnah." If you reject parts of the Sunnah that do not "please" you, how can you be regarded as a Sunni Muslim? Answer: You cannot.

The Salafi movement is convoluted and misguided. They attack everything, calling it "bidah" (innovation), when they themselves are guilty of so many bidahs! Most of their "scholars" are hand picked by the Saudi government, and were schooled at Salafi or Wahabbi schools (you will not find many Al Azhar graduates listed among the "great Salafi scholars and sheikhs.").

Salafis are very intolerant of other religions, which is in direct contrast to the teachings of Islam. They use a translation of the Quran (by Hilali and Khan) which has inserted words into the Quran (this would be a bidah) to strengthen their claim that all non-Muslims are "kafir" (heathen) and should be hated. This is NOT in Islam. This is in Salafiism. Muslims are told by Allah in the Quran to love and respect Christians and Jews, and to not argue with non-Muslims about their beliefs and traditions, yet Salafis delight in hating Christians and Jews, and attacking all non-Muslims.

The Salafi movement is a disease in Islam. People should be made aware that they are not the "more pious" Muslims. They are the least tolerant, and the most arrogant, hateful, ignorant Muslims the world has ever known.

Was I a little harsh? Perhaps. But we are not dealing with any minor matter here. The future of Islam is at stake here. We must wrestle back our religion from those who would hijack it. Remember: We mainstream Sunni Muslims still outnumber them. We should be ashamed that their voice is heard more loudly than ours. Speak up! Educate the world about this! Do not let people fall victim to their intolerant rhetoric! Teach the world that Islam IS about PEACE, and that Muslims are GOOD PEOPLE!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Asalaamu Alaikam,

And now, to "flip the coin," so to speak, I will post a link to an article about tolerance in Islam. Islam is in fact a very tolerant religion, although many Muslims may not be so tolerant. The poor behavior of many Muslims today is what makes it so very hard to try to tell a non-Muslim about the beauty of Islam.

I am a revert to Islam, so I feel that I have that unique ability of being able to remember what my perceptions were of Islam as a non-Muslim. With those memories, I am able to put myself in a non-Muslims shoes and take a good, hard look at Muslims. I can tell you that I generally do NOT like what I see. We come off as a hard people, devoid of humor, and lacking compassion. We seem unfriendly and standoffish. We appear to be heartless and cold, and very quick to condemn anyone who is not Muslim.

Unfortunately the "face" of Islam scares off a great many people. I would like to take this opportunity to say here now that Muslims do NOT accurately portray Islam. Please do not judge Islam by the Muslims. As one of my friends (another revert) says, "Islam is perfect, Muslims are not."

So, without further adieu, here's the link to the article about tolerance in Islam:

Intolerance in Islam and on the internet

Asalaamu Alaikam,

I would like to bring a website to everyone's attention. If you are a Muslim woman with children and have been looking for a "place of your own" to discuss Islam and family issues, DO NOT be fooled into thinking that is that place. I was fooled into thinking it was, and when I discovered that it was not, I was also fooled into thinking that I could do something to try to make it a better place. Today I found out how very wrong I was. I just got banned from the site. is being overrun by Salafis. It's not enough that they have their own websites, they must infiltrate other sites as well. Now that I have said that, and in light of what just happened to me, I am suspicious that the forum Admin may be Salafi herself. She claims that the site is to be an open forum for ALL MUSLIMS, but that is clearly NOT the case.

I believe in respect and tolerance for ALL SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT in Islam. I also believe in respect for OTHER RELIGIONS. The Salafi/Wahabbi movements do not believe in this, and feel that anyone who is NOT a Salafi or Wahabbi is to be judged. They also believe that they have the right to judge (never mind the fact that Islam clearly teaches us that only Allah Alone has the right to judge anyone). If you challenge this, you will feel first hand the IGNORANCE and HATRED that is synonymous with the Salafi school of thought.

So, I warn you, do not be fooled into thinking that is a safe and friendly place for Muslims. You will only find it to be "friendly" if you yourself adhere to the convoluted and misguided teachings of the Salafis.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Asalaamu Alaikam,
I found this cool site where you can make animated text. You just write the text and it will animate. Here's what I have done so far.....

Super cool eh? It's at! :D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Asalaamu Alaikam,

I created this blog back in 2003, and have not touched it since 2006. Today, I just deleted ALL posts going all the way back to the beginning. Why? Because those posts were no longer relevant, and to be quite honest, were stupid. 

Now, inshAllah, I am planning to have a totally re-vamped Blog to discuss Islam, my pregnancy (I'm 5 months pregnant, alhamdulilah!), my hubby, and life in general.

So, if anyone actually reads this, I hope that you will enjoy it. Please feel free to leave comments.


~~Noor Inaya